Sunday, August 15, 2010

If you read this, please let me know

I would LOVE to know if anyone is reading along with me. I am trying so hard to blog about my progress here instead of driving all of Facebook world nuts. ;) I'd love to know someone is out there besides CSK. ;)


Ellen said...

I'm reading along, trying to use your commitment as an incentive to get my own butt going! :P I need to go work out (I have a Y membership), but I don't because I'm not really sure what to do once I'm there. How did you plan your workout, especially with the weights?

Leighann said...

Well, I went to see a Y trainer and at first he just showed me the upper body machines (to go easy on my body with the arthritis and all). At first I would do the bike, then the upper body machines, then the bike again. I began trying the elliptical and can now do 20 minutes on the elliptical or cross trainer. The other day he took me through the lower body machines.

So, I'm trying to decide now, how I want to do this.

I can do Bike (warmup for 10 mins) , upper body machines, cross trainer (20 minutes)

Then come back and do the same the next day except do the lower body ones... and alternate upper and lower. OR I can do it all every other day and just do cardio on other days, or take classes.

Not sure yet. Once I get bored, he's going to walk me thru the free weights and other stuff in there that intimidates me.

Ellen said...

Thanks for sharing your plan. :) Did you pay for the trainer, or was it part of your Y's program?

Glad I'm not the only one afraid of the free weights...I feel like I need to be in perfect shape before I pick those up so the tough guys won't laugh at me, LOL!