Saturday, July 10, 2010

Yucky week!!!

I have made it to the gym ONE TIME this week! Bleh! Thursday night we didn't go and opted for a family night--my husband has his army annual training and soon he'll be away for a bit, so we wanted to be together some because I had plans to go to Zumba Friday night--but, I ended up with horrible make-you-fold-in-half menstrual cramps and nausea, so I stayed home. I am still waiting on the cycle to start. I have not been counting this week much either. I'm down 1lb this morning but I am betting I will be up tomorrow. That is okay. I have had a rough week in a lot of ways and I have learned being prepared with easy to grab foods will make all the difference should I run this much in a week again.

I can also see how when school starts, I will have a much better time of it. I'll have to drop Gabby off by 8:40 and I can head right over to the Y every morning besides Thursday morning which I plan to reserve for Bible study--though I may just go Wed night since we'll be up at church for AWANA anyhow. I figure I can make it to the gym 4 mornings a week and save the other one for either Bible study or grocery shopping.

Next week Gabby has camp, so I'm thinking since I'll be out I should be able to go at least 3 mornings. Tuesday and Thursday are spoken for but that leaves 3 other mornings and I could go in the evenings if needed. Time to get back on it and accomplish my goal of getting healthier!

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