Thursday, September 9, 2010

It has happened. I'm SCARED!

Before anyone gets worried... here is the ugly truth.


Weird, huh?? I didn't expect this. I went in today, did 20 min each on elliptical and bike, and my upperbody machines. I upped weights on a couple and it was HARD but I did it. The previous weights they were on were too easy! :D And I liked it!!! Sometimes after a workout I get this odd urge to go "WOO!" after it's over.

I. Need. Help.

This from the person who was used to sitting ALL DAY LONG. This from the person with extensive joint damage from RA. Now, I still have trouble walking for long periods, grasping things, etc... BUT... things are looking up and I like moving!

What has happened to me?

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