I kinda, okay well, I did fall off the wagon. I gained about 6 pounds since the last post where I was down 72.8 pounds (I think). We went on a Disney trip... which was amazing... I was able to walk a lot more before being in pain than in a long time... (but I did have a lot more foot pain, more on that later). Thanksgiving, Christmas, the anniversary of a difficult time for my side of the family... all combined to get me off track.
In December, I saw an orthopedic surgeon about my bunions, hammertoes and midfoot pain on the advice of my rheumatologist. My foot pain is the only pain that has dramatically increased since losing weight. I decided after leaving to do the surgery, but to try the foot orthodics. For a couple days, the custom orthodics helped, but over time, had pain elsewhere. My midfoot was hurting on top when it hadn't before, but felt better on bottom. My bunion wasn't hurting, but my pinky toe would hurt, or go numb. Both hurting and numb are bad!
So, I went back to my rheumy doctor and she said she had seen the surgeon's notes and asked when my surgery was going to take place, which foot first, etc. I said the orthodics had helped some and I might just wait. She sat down and looked me square in the eye, "Leighann, if I had your hands and I had your feet... I would totally do the foot surgery without hesitation, but I would NOT yet have hand surgery." "Really, Dr. Shuman?"
"Absolutely," she continued. "The pain relief you will get from the procedure will amaze you. You will find the recovery is worth the trouble when you put weight on your foot, have little to no pain, and see your straight toes."
So, last week I saw the surgeon. We've decided to proceed with surgery on May 21st (pending my husband getting the week off... and I may do it regardless and have him take another week since my awesome mom will be off to help me). We decided since my left foot hurts more we'd do that one first. I can't bear weight for 6 weeks, so now begins the push to exercise regularly and lose as much weight as I can before surgery. I have less than 3 months.
Unfortunately, my younger daughter needs to be careful until she's cleared for regular activity, so I'm not going to work out if it means putting her in childcare until she's cleared in a few days. But when I can before then, I'll work out as my husband's schedule allows him to keep the kids. I must get in as good of shape as possible.
The good thing is we joined a gym with a pool, and the surgeon said at the 6 week mark I'll move to a boot and I should be able to walk in the pool. YAY!