I have recently gone back on low carb and am now down a total of 47.8 pounds. A lot has been going on since I posted last in December 2010.
A hard trial in my family has somewhat come to a point of closure. Things I had let go of are again on my mind. One being weight loss, healthy eating, etc. Another is homeschooling. I have realized this year has been a time in my life for intensive Bible reading and spiritual growth, yet the thought that my kids have been fed so little spiritually weighs heavy on my mind and soul. I am praying God helps me find a balance between teaching them well, and caring for myself well. The key will come in waking early to spend time with Him, and making it to the gym in the evenings with my husband 3-4 times a week. Also in meal planning and purposeful shopping. I will be home more, believe it or not... and LESS busy in some ways. We rush around way more now that we used to, honestly. I long for a slower life again, a purposeful life. Some folks may read this and think I'm nuts. This year "off" from homeschooling has been good--emotionally and mentally, well, spiritually too... I was battered and broken. I needed this time to refocus and see what is truly important in my life. I love the schools my girls are in, and may leave the little one where she is for another year of pre-k, but with 29 second graders my older daughter is becoming lost in her class. She's keeping up for now, but I don't like the thought that she's lagging behind with her pace, and struggling to stay on task. She is a bit pokey by nature, but I wonder how long until a teacher asks me to medicate her to help her focus. I believe it's a "too many kids in the classroom" problem and not an ADHD problem for her. She has actually ASKED to come back home. I informed her she would still be getting up early, and she would still have to work. She says she doesn't care. I think she misses the slower life too.
I see the important things in my life ocming into focus and I know all too quickly the days will turn into years... and I see clearly how to organize my life to make homeschooling more successful. My life has lacked structure and discipline and I don't pretend to think I have it all sorted out, but I'm on a journey to balance my health and wellness with my children's spiritual health and wellness. And my older daughter is so tired all of the time. She's running too much, and with running one misses what is truly valuable in life. So, I do love her school, but I see a better way for our family.
This leads me to another thing, the realization I spend far too much time on Facebook and too little time in other more important pursuits. I have felt led for a while to "take a break" and as Lent draws nearer, I feel like God is saying to set Facebook aside and use the time to seek Him. I will post here periodically, as I'm still on the journey of weight loss and on a journey to attain spiritual health and balance... but I plan to forego Facebook for the Lenten season, and use the time more effectively.
So, if you've read this, I don't broadcast this to say this is what you need to do... and Facebook is not inherently evil or bad. I feel like I need balance back in my life, and this feels like the way to do it. I don't share this to get glory from "man" but to let anyone know who may follow this, where I'm going to be--reachable by email--until Easter.