Well, I've slacked... but here is an update.
I've lost 40.8 pounds total. For some reason I'm sabotaging myself right now. I am not gaining but I am not losing. I really believe for me the answer is LOW to NO carbs. When I start letting myself have some carbs, a little becomes a lot before I know it.
I know though, that carbs, desserts, etc are a part of life so I need to learn moderation. I am nowhere near where I used to be, but I know myself and I can get back there in a hurry if I'm not careful. So it's time to go back on phase 1 of SBD and deal with these cravings.
This means no dinner at church Wed because they are having spaghetti AND garlic bread... :( I may need to wait a few days so the mexican lasagna in my fridge doesn't go to waste, or ONLY allow myself to eat that and then when it's gone just no more carbs. But I will get back on this.